
'Le Divorce' appeared in the cinemas in 2003 in the US. I remember going to see it with my mother, grandmother, great-aunt, best friend, and her mother. There are only two of us left of that group. It combines two of my favorite subplots - the prepping of an archival collection for transfer AND establishing the provenance of a painting, in this case a La Tour depicting St Ursula.  She's a favourite, St Ursula, the patron St of School Girls. 

Naomi Watts and Kate Hudson, charming as sisters. Sam Waterston as everybody's favourite dad. Leslie Caron, the mother-in-law no one wants but probably needs. Sometimes, I miss having a mother-in-law. Fortunately, I have many aunts and cousins, and exquisite female friendships, so it balances, I suppose. 

Glenn Close plays the poet Olivia Pace, whose papers have been bought by the University of Tulsa. She is close to Roxy and hires Isabel to prepare the collection for transfer. She remains one of my favourite characters in the film, to be honest. The way she looks out for both Roxy and Isabel, well, it helps to keep my faith in the sisterhood alive.  When I think about her role in The Wife, it works 

It's a thing, talented character actors.  Bebe Neuwirth (always a plays the museum curator who recognises the painting of St Ursula, as a Geogres La Tour. Of course, it isn't. It was painted specifically for the film by Jean-Paul Letellier. Of course, the film is full of clichés. The Americans are provincial, the French tres chic, but also callous. It makes me laugh. And I need to laugh more, especially at myself. I'm so furious right now, it is bubbling. So tired of being the Quartermaster, the organizer, of sounding like a bleating snot-filled sheep, wringing my hooves. 'Whaaaat aaaaboouuuutttt mmmeeee.' I mean, did I not just come back from time? And I missed the littles so much whilst I was away. Instead, I've come back feeling more lost. I know it will cycle out, I remember this hurt from when Peggy crossed over, but in the mean time, I have to stop listing. I didn't want to have to step back from work. I really thought it would resolve itself. And it did.  But it doesn't make not having to get lost in any easier. And tomorrow, I'm supposed to get up, put my game face on, and try to remember how much I love what I do when I allow myself to do it.  Like that feisty little 


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