I keep reminding myself I am on sabbatical, that I am taking time out because I need to heal and learn who I am becoming. That there isn't a clock on going back into work, that my littles are only little for a short time and that part of taking time out is so that I can be with them. 

That said, I miss work. I miss colleagues and old stuff and having something to do something to contribute. And I needed to practice interviewing. And I need to practice accepting professional rejection. The feedback I was given is useful and accurate and honestly, I don't want to be schlepping back and forth to London like that. It worked until it didn't. The time to move back into London is approaching but until it does, I just want to enjoy life here a bit. 7 years I've lived in this little part of the world and it has become part of me. 

But it's okay to be a bit upset about not being offered a part, right?


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