The youngest arrived in Belgium for a week with his father early today. Of course, I am worried but also looking forward to the time to miss him, work on my own things, be my daughter's mum, and putter around East Anglia. Although, in fairness, I haven't ventured out of Colchester much of late. I'm on a bit of an interior revamp and DIY kick, commencing with a headboard and canopy bed for my eldest. 

I spent Saturday evening at Colchester Fringe, with the Paper Dolls. Late enough home to feel invigorated, early enough to be tucked up in bed with a book before midnight.  I've been catching up on my reading. I actually finished Karen Angelico's book last week, but I wanted to let it simmer a bit. I had the pleasure of meeting both Karen and Alec Marsh at my local bookshop earlier this month and her description of the book, well...I would have bought it anyway. 

It is dark and a bit sordid. It raised my hackles in the way the the backstory of _Anatomy of a Scandal_ did but I found it a much tighter read. It also made me sad to think just how uncommon sexual predators really are. I it really THAT hard to work through what ever the pain and baggage one is carrying? I mean we literally ALL have baggage. It's not that I don't have sympathy for Luke. But I would probably make sure I lost his number. 

All in all, a solid first novel and I've already lent out my copy. 


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