I drove out to my uncle's for lunch. Gravel crunched under the tyres and a murder of crows - it seemed to be at least 100- rose from the recently plowed fields.  It was a Thursday and thar afternoon, the cards told of a pacing oneself and of believing. There were two pennies in the gravel  outside the gate. 

On Friday, the sun was out and  I walked up the hill into town. A lone white feather drifted to a gentle stop on the path in front of me.  I picked it up, intwined it in my hair. 

This morning, I walked down an unknown path to a mill. A horse walked straight to me, budging me with her muzzle. I rested my forehead against hers, and just breathed. Everything stilled. I slept deeply but my dreams were heavy and disruptive. Fragmented, with bodies strewn, parts separated. Skin stripped in layers and chunks. Renewal? Regeneration? 


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