modern life

It worked out just fine
In the end
I found the shoes, packed the bags
Walked them over two roundabouts 
And back again, because - of course -
He's the only one dressed for bed - cue sarcasm that I don't want to lean into

Aren't we just the most modern of family?
I think, falling into bed
not giving into the temptation of

Words on a screen,
A secret smile, more to come
A promise? a threat
I turn the light dark

At first, I thought 
power of this attraction, held
In my hands could be both safe and dark
Then it reached its suffocating limit 
and was an empty bed with no imprint left

Truth can only stand in for desire
So long
It renders itself obslete 
When what you really want is 
For someone to pull your hair.

Isn't this just the modern search for love? I say to a girlfriend.

Yep. Only M has been consistent. I sigh
curb my envy over the consistency. So within, so without.
The rest...we shrug simultaneously, over miles. 


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