Larvik Reads, Part II: _The Agathas_ by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson

A bit of YA fun, suggested by my local bookshop. My daughter liked the cover and since I am still struggling through the 2nd Harry Potter book, she gave me dispensation to read this for a discussion instead. How fortunate am I, I ask you. 

The disjointed fonts and intersects of text threads wasn't irritating but I did find myself more likely to skim the text threads.  The plot had twists and the denouement surprised me, although I was not surprised as to who the killer ended up being. I was worried - terrified actually - for the lead heroine in harm's way.

The kids are savvy, the dialogue is brisk and the undercurrent of domestic violence made my heart hurt. We tend to forget that teens are as savvy and aware as we are, if not more so. 

As with other quality YA fiction, there is a nod to the realities of teen life being very much life - sex, frenemies, heartbreak, pursuit of love and true friendship - without getting overwhelmed with the polemics. It's a refreshing book, an enjoyable read for a much needed chilled beach holiday. 


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