The evening thunderstorms and flash flooding have Thursday and Friday made for unexpected moments to push certain things a bit further along, like adding my US number to my dad's plan for the duration of the time he has left.  Between T-Mobile's merger with Sprint, franchising, the lack of 'oomph' in a significant portion of the American workforce, something that should be SO easy, is not.  It has taken trips to 5 different T-Mobile stores and 6 phone calls.

 Finally, Kevan at the Liberty Township store was able to help. It is an ongoing, process, but he was able to scan and fax the POA, which needed to be sent to the Legal team from T-Mobile. But it makes for any exhausting process and I wonder if I'm not beating my head against a wall too hard out of habit.

It isn't all bureaucracy, conference calls with physicians, and hunting down the best pecan pie. Sometimes, it is magical, like the unexpected gift of a date night with my bestie to see the one and only Johnny Mathis. 
And yes, he really is THAT adorable. It was my first Covid-Times concert and I am so glad I went.  As the man says, sometimes you have to 'Let the good times roll.'

My last Saturday in country before we leave Monday and  we've taken the second to last load of stuff to the Good Will. I broke down and stopped waiting for Cashmere to collect her things but decided to be intrusive. I'm glad I did because I found the Jenkins family Bible, several of my dad's insignias and badges, including his dog tags, and pieces of my mom's jewellery.  Still no unregistered firearms, which is a confusing relief.  Tonight, we'll do some grilling and burning, and I think it will be cathartic. I've got marshmallow and Graham crackers for S'mores. And enough OFF! to deter all of the mosquitos. Not a bad way to sign off this chapter, to my mind. 


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