Vinegar pie

It is an actual thing, also referred to as Desperation Pie.

1 refrigerated pie crust
4 large eggs
1 1/2 cups (310g) sugar
1/4 cup (56g) butter, melted
1 1/2 tbsp white vinegar (I use apple cider vinegar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Whipped cream, optional
Nutmeg, optional (I like to do a little mix of cinnamon/nutmeg/and cardamom but then I'm crazy like that).

Heat that oven to 350F or gas mark 4. 

Bake your crust with your pie beads for 20 min, then for another 10, when you're removed the parchment paper. Add the filling and bake for another 50 minutes. I prefer this version, because the sugar gets all creme brulĂ©-like and that brings me joy. 

I'm not desperate but I am feeling verklempt.  I miss my life, my friends, my bed, and my dog.  My work laptop packed up and I move into yet another random spark of accommodation today because evictions do not run smoothly and I am using the tools at my disposal, which are law, due process, and tenacity.  But I am tired today, my patience is short, I may have had 3 glass of cava last night, and I am pining for a nap in a darkened room after some sort physical exertion, preferably with another person.  

Under my ennui and mild headache, my feistiness is gaining rise.  You might even call me sparky, even.  today, I began using those tools I have at my disposal to move things along at the ol' homestead. You know, turning off the internet and cable.  There had been issues with the natural gas in the kitchen, so I called the gas company and reported it, but made sure the appointment was at an inconvenient time.

You know what I'm talking about, the petty end-of-a-relationship sh*t, be it work, friend, romantic.  I will admit to a small amount of pleasure in this activity. I mean, these people left my dad on the floor of his house to starve for a month and he legit almost died. They sent the 5 year old over to check to see if he was still breathing, occasionally bring him cigarettes. It's awkward, living so far away. I began researching how to bring him over in November. At the time, he didn't meet the criteria...but now....well, let's just see. Let's just see. Take a breath, girl. Find your center. Don't lock your knees, etc. 

And maybe treat yourself to a new hat at Brim. Because you, Rachel Marie Howse Binnington, you are slaying it. 


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