The Overlook

Chatting with a friend and 0430 this morning, I was just reminded of when I was pregnant with the BD, working at the Kubrick Archives and how I almost spilt coffee on the manuscript pages of 'All work and no play.' I did not spill the coffee but I still have occasional nightmares of Jack Nicholson dressed as the twins chasing me down halls of The Overlook.  And THAT is pretty much where I feel lodged, right a 

A couple of years later, I was in Seattle in a weirdly hip version of the Overlook on a 2.5 day interview for a role I SHOULD have wanted with a foundation.  The electrical sockets in the hotel sparked sometime in the middle of the night, melting the charger plug. I don't need clearer morning 

Seattle is one of those entities that confuses me, fills me with ambiguity and confusion. There has just never been an emotional connection and there should have been. Sigh. It's like the guy you wish you could like because on paper...

Meanwhile, the world moves along. Client work, builders, goes on, as I weave in and out of the many world's I inhabit. I'm sleeping but too close to the surface to feel properly rested.  So much so, that I almost sleep-bought this beauty:

I KNOW! It takes school runs to a whole new level.  Fortunately, I'm also all sorted for the mini high school reunion evening 'Bingo, Ballgowns and Dive Bars,' which incorporates 3 of my favourite things. Never under estimate the importance of having a good dive bar to turn to. 


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