Home, even if just for a little while.

I have not ever been so relieved to be enveloped in a haze of summer grey.  

My  teenage homestead went live last night and already there is an offer. On Friday, I take possession of ANOTHER house (admittedly for a client), with cleaners and movers arriving Friday.  I have a planning application out for a new front door, and I just received (a year later than planned) confirmation that I do indeed own a teensy part of a bookshop, so my 3,rd quarter comes closer and closer to being sorted.

 More and more, it looks like the turnaround will be less than 3 weeks.  But who knows anymore, about timing or trajectory, or any of it, really. All I know, is, I am glad to be home. And that I finally got around to outsourcing management of my love life.  I mean, a girl can only juggle so much not-even-close-to-single- handedly. 

And life keeps going: school for the littles start back to school on Friday, a neurodiversity assessment is scheduled for six weeks' time. But tonight, the gold is my dad video-calling me for the first time on WhatsApp. Or as I'll for ever it call it 'Whatever called' you. 


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