Change of address

I know I am going to need to take down time. I'm barely unpacked at my own house. But I can't seem to stop working. Today, I picked up keys for this new place.  It seems 2021 is my year of real estate. 😂 

I couldn't get into London yesterday to pick up keys for the sheer exhaustion and having my house stuff to deal with. I'm now sitting in a silent unfurnished house and there is a small part of me that wishes I could keep it this way...empty, quiet, beautifully still. 

The to-do list is...yeah. I wonder how long I will give myself before I start tackling it, especially given that I know I'll be on a plane in 2.5 weeks to sell yet another house.  I feel like I've been in motion for most of my life, that quiet calm of last year gaining mythic status. Did anything of the last year really happen? 


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