Today I thought of Italy

Today I thought about the last time I went to Italy: Florence, Lucca, and then Pisa. I thought if the walled gardens that we stayed in, how quickly the weather shifts in the mountains. Of how - in my childhood memories - Italy was always warm and  the Linden trees provided shade and that heady perfume.  

I thought of the year I dreamed I was searching for a tiny blue china-doll, of another year the dead queued at my bedside at Wisteria Street to tell me their stories so they could move on unbecumbered. Of how their words would wash over me in my sleep, leaving silt in my mouth. 

I noticed how under this collective sadness is a steadfast certainty that we are moving down the right road.  This applies to all of us, I think, and it is why I love the fact and idea of ephemera - we create and have ephemera and sometimes we ARE the ephemera. It made me think of John Koenig's reworking of 'Sonder,' and how we can speak a similar language and yet never fully know what goes on behind someone's eyes, in their heads, or hearts. 

And then I ate a Florentine and took the dog for another walk.


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