In the rear view mirror

Strange to think that last year, we were 9 days into homeschooling.  

Day 8 saw a reprieve for the Quartermaster, who was granted a 24 hour pass.  With this time, she scrubbed the floors, took inventory, sat in her courtyard, contemplating how Elizabeth Barrett Browning might have actually fallen in love with the weirdo stalker who lounged at the gates.  

Plans to don a cocktail dress, make a tipple (sans alcohol, you judgie Jessies), and pretend she was dining with The Rat Pack were usurped by a weird impulses to finish spot-checking metadata and riffing with her imaginary friends and the new houseplants. It is worth noting that this is actually par for the course, here at Le Maison D'Angle.

Day 9 commenced with an exchange of parishioners in the Park, Cold War Style. Park bench chatter, a parcel handed off with furtiveness.

The Parishioners have returned to the Manor and are restless. The Cruise Director senses a tactical error in introducing the audience to the Gremlins. The Quartermaster is incensed at the repeated insistence that a REAL Mogwai is needed, STAT. 

What was I thinking?!


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