myths about cobras

I used to be terrified of snakes: cobras, water moccasins, rattle snakes, asps, vipers, even the humble and unassuming garter snake. I'm not sure when the terror changed or why.  I suppose it was the discovery that Cobras and rattlesnakes are actually shy creatures, despite their portrayal as vicious predators. I mean, they can be, but ultimately, aren't we all, to some degree? 

In Chinese astrology, my birth year falls in the year of the Snake, specifically the Fire snake. In chinese mythology, the snake is the precursor to the Dragon.  Their weaknesses are classified as: 1. Inconsistent, poker-faced, and unapproachable;
2. Vain, possessive, jealous, never show inner world easily or communicate with others casually;
3. Overcautious and irresolute;
4. Narrow-minded and suspicious.

Their strengths are listed as being: 
1. Kind, optimistic, brave, persistent, intelligent and enterprising;
2. Calm, thoughtful, inborn with the sixth sense, outstanding insight, and strong judgment and adaptation;
3. Vigorous, single-minded, responsible, quick-minded, persistent morale and spirit;
4. Romantic, mysterious, skillful, sycophant and popular;
5. Silent, slow to anger, prudent and brainy;
6. Self-aware, attach great importance to spiritual life, never show off personal talent deliberately but march forward step by step.

Sure, I can see these in myself, I think. In everyone, surely, I think, watching my children, thinking of the people I know.  I think about the masks we wear, the capes we don to prove a point, to protect, to defend and deflect. This morning, my therapist asked me if I have stopped to think about the progressions I have made in the last few years. From leaving the wreckage of an abusive marital relationship to go and forge a strong working relationship, to expanding my professional remit and focus, to NOT jumping into significant changes to my physical or geographic locale. And I hadn't really. I had glossed over these things, which are significant milestones and achievements. To be able to to SIT with discomfort and awkwardness is huge for me. 

Today is quiet. There is a great deal to be doing with but I have decided to take it easy and work with my energy levels which means, working from bed, listening to  TED-X, 'Post-Traumatic Gifted with Russell Redenbaugh and many things resonated, but this one comment stood out: ' If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.' Russel Redenbaugh. I'm not sure why, but I followed it up with a talk by Gabor Mate. 'All of my Jewish babies are crying right now.' The importance and weight of inherited trauma. The power of addiction and addiction to power.  The power of being outliers, of being outsiders. I am full of cold and a scratchy throat, which I partly blame on the frigid room I posed in on Sunday.  I am moving slowly and with intention, but not so slow that dust settles. 

I've been sorting out the shared living spaces, listening to audio books.  I've worked my way though the Fletch series, discovered Bill Prozini's work, and am now backtracking through Lawrence Block and Ross MacDonald, interspersing them with lighter fare, as well as 'Classics.' I'm still slowly working my way through The Recognitions, but its weight, is daunting on many levels. 


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