Let's get into some good trouble

I've compiling a summer playlist of the new love affair I'm contemplating embarking on and my upcoming Italy adventure.  My lovely bookshop friend reminded me that one of the most delicious aspects of going on holiday is that you can be whomever you desire. I think my ultimate goal is to enjoy. I've a suitcase of books and frocks, an open dance card and am feeling just the teensiest bit saucy. 

Turns out, I'll quite possibly be making two Italy trips, since the USS Mt Whitney won't be back in Gaeta until July.  In August, she heads into dry docks in Genoa from August to Jan, so, watch this space.   And its a approrpriate, I think, that I be able to take at least one of the littles go see Daddy's ship, to see what the world can hold for us.  


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