Holiday Read no. 1

I love YA fiction. I mean, I love the way the writers of good, solid YA fiction cut through BS and get to the heart of the matter.  If you're reading YA mysteries and suspense, you know they jump straight in.  No mucking about with the how's why's and backstory over-convern, the very things that have been weighing me down when it commons to the my characters from 'Uncommon Order.'  Maybe because the characters are younger, they get to be more 'in the moment,' maybe because they seemingly have less responsibility. 

When I was an early blooming reader, there wasn't a lot to read for me once I got through the Post Library at Illesheim's modest kids' section.  I expanded quickly into my mother's reading world: Kathleen Woodiwiss, Danielle Steel, Judith Michael, then into what ever was to hand in the main library stacks.  I read ahead and above my age group, not quite understandig the fervent bodice ripping that ensues, but an appreciation for the physicalality of sex must have embedded itself somewhere: even now, I much prefer to read or watch well-written erotica (I need a semblance of plot or scene setting; I find myself staging backstories when ever I feel inclined to watch porn. And no, I don't frequent Mind Geek's offerings. 😐🙄 And yes, that is because I've done my share of fetish and 'esque' work. I mean, I probably should had that time I played a prostitute in a lackluster biography of James Joyce. It was infinitely more enjoyable than the one time I tried being a professional sex worker. Should I attempt that again, I'd definitely go the collective route. Just sayin'.).  

It wasn't always grown-ups books. But I do remember A 6th grade teacher (sad I can't remember her name but she was beautifully tall with an angled haircut and tawny eyes) assigning me _The Alfred G Graebner Memorial High School Handbook of Rules and Regulations_ by Ellen Conford. And I loved it, still do. It is witty and tender I reread it every few years.

This is the first in a series and it surprised me. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I had to second guess my assumptions. And there are two more!! Lucky me.


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