_Herbie's Game_

I discovered the Junior Bender series by accident, the best way. There was a point during COVIDity where my concentration for reading anything more in depth than a 'About Town' in The New Yorker and not being able to read more than that would send me into floods of tears. So, I returned to audio books and stumbled into Tim Hallinan and I haven't looked back really. 

This particular Bender novel hit close to the bone, in these months of learning life without SSG Howse on the other end of the line, without porch chats, coffee late at night, sitting parallel having the talks that seemed to be about nothing but  the font of everything.  

I don't hold my father on a pedestal; he climbed off the mantel long ago. But before he slid down into his cave into , beyond even my reach, we were close. I was incredibly blessed to be close to both of my parents, to have transcended the canyon beyond parent/child into friend/confidante.  I don't know that in the end, we had secrets from one another, from ourselves. And I don't know that we always need to know everything about a person to love them.  This book touches on all of these issues with deftness and grace. And it's a good long drive listen. 

Anyway, I love this series and just wanted to share. This book in particular caught my attention and my heart. 


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