Covid-19 Diary - 9 April

Some things I thought about and/or learned during an interview with David Heymann and the Maddox Gallery.

Some things, I already knew because I find historical research around pandemics interesting and because I know amazing people like Courtney and Rebecca, who will tolerate my asking random questions on a whim.

There were a few things I didn't know...and learned through the Maddox Gallery's hosted talk with David Heymann's talk this evening.

*We don't know yet if Covid-19 will become endemic.

*All influenza virus come from waterfowl; there are 3 endemic flu viruses that we see.

*This isn't the first time we have had a pandemic. It is the first time we have experienced on fast-forward. And we live closer to the animal kingdom in the sense of industrialization. This virus is on fast forward and it is an example of our present and future because we are a global village and we move faster than we did during the Plague and Small Pox.

*Covid-19 has not been contained and we don't know how it will behave.

*HIV had been existence since the late 19thCentury

*masks for not-essential people is not necessarily useful; the two meters gap is.

*The SARS outbreak gave Asia an advantage of knowing how to lock sh*t down.  The US is lagging because the US just doesn't want to get that they can't do what they want, that you can't just go say 'Hey! Let's go [insert X].

*Herd immunity - people who are talking herd immunity are talking out of their asses, far beyond any available information and statistics. Even the modelers can't know  yet.

*Do we really know the mortality rates if the demominator is unknown? No. We only know from the numbers of people who die after being admitted or diagnosed.

*The virus will not survive an autoclave. We are only beginning to understand how it lives in room temperature. The max thus far observed is 72 hours

*Traditionally, a pandemic become endemic if it there is a long period asymptomatic. Something like Ebola is to virulent and is easier to detect.  We believe it is much more virulent than Influenza.

Two things I already knew but it was nice to have reinforced by an expert:

*bat shit will really make you crazy. ( I already knew this one, sadly, from experience).

*People are prejudiced and allow their prejudice to fuel conspiracy and racism and that is a major threat to surviving the Pandemic. (As above, sadly).

'The outbreak control is in the hands of the people. It is in our own hands and we have to learn to protect ourselves and practice that as well as learn to protect others and practice that.'


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