Covid-19 Days 3-9

Homeschooling, Day 3 

My first kitten was a beautiful white and gray cat a sweet old man gave my mom.  He was a largish kitten with a potbelly. Snowball turned out to be a bobcat (half cat, half lynx) with attitude. He did not like being dressed in baby clothes, which I learned the hard way. 

On Day 7, the kiddos are restless. They are circling me, sensing my weakness. Today, I scrub paint out of the carpet. It beats scrubbing poop. Day 6, the criticism was rampant.

'I am really fed up and you can't cook dinner fast enough!'

...five minutes later...

'I love you, Mommy. I am always in your family.'

Apparently, my edginess spills over the sides and the co-parent arrives to free one of the parishioners.

Rookie mistake: I fed them after midnight.

Early on, Day 4 Home Schooling, the schedule is adjusted to 0527.


'Go back to sleep.'

3 minutes later.

'Mooooooom. I went back to sleep!' thump....patterpatter.  'I need Ghostbusters and popcorn now!'

'It is 5:30am, dude.'

'I know! Isn't it great?!'

Day 3, Home Schooling 0930

'Mom, I have to do a poster about Scandinavia.  Do you know how to do posters?'

Me, whipping out my emergency poster kit. 'I've been waiting all my life for you to ask.'

Later: 'I've done 5 facts on Sweden, I was thinking about 5 more!'

'Cool! Are you going to stretch out into popular culture? And should we do posters for the other Scandinavian countries? Ooh! You could interview our friends who are from the countries or live there!'

'Shut up, Mom! You ruin everything! You hate me!'

The cat has also discovered how to open up the Dreamies container, which is now in the Quartermaster's pantry.

That afternoon, I read an article about Waffle House closures. On the one had...but...on the other, keep in mind that many large scale emergency Disaster and Recovery plans chart progress by having the opening of a Waffle House as a bench mark for recovery.  They perform a service and fill a need.

Sidenote: I have always wanted to work at a Waffle House. Double side note: I love the Waffle House Thank You song:

Day 8 saw a reprieve for the Quartermaster, who was granted a 24 hour pass.  With this time, she scrubbed the floors, took inventory, sat in her courtyard, contemplating how Elizabeth Barrett Browning might have actually fallen in love with the weirdo stalker who lounged at the gates. 

Plans to don a cocktail dress, make a tipple (sans alcohol, you judgie Jessies), and pretend she was dining with The Rat Pack were usurped by a weird impulses to finish spot-checking metadata and riffing with her imaginary friends and the new houseplants. It is worth noting that this is actually par for the course, here at Le Maison D'Angle.

Day 9 commenced with an exchange of parishioners in the Park, Cold War Style. Park bench chatter, a parcel handed off with furtiveness.

The Parishioners have returned to the Manor and are restless. The Cruise Director senses a tactical error in introducing the audience to the Gremlins. The Quartermaster is incensed at the repeated insistence that a REAL Mogwai is needed, STAT.

As Dierks Bentley would say 'What was I thinking?!'


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