I read or heard something the other day that I must have heard before, that if you tell a truth it becomes part of your past but if you tell a lie, part of your future.  And if course lies are not always down with words, but through action, or silence.  It led me down a rabbit hole, contemplating lies, truths, half truths, etc., and unwitting complicity and from there I chose to beat myself up.  There may have been a lot of snot-crying. 

20 years ago, I think that would have made me shiver in dread or apprehension. Just the thought of my lies becoming my future was enough to induce a panic attack. The same way with the idea of a party where everyone I know and love are in the same physical space. Now? This is one of my deepest desires: to spend time watching the people I love interact to share the love I have for people with one another. So, I am doing  more of that: cross-pollinate people I love, make the time count. I'm making it one of my new hobbies. 


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